Monday 11 August 2014

T Minus 67 hours//

today, i am stressed.
i think it's a given really; results day is on thursday. it's funny how those two little words can have such an effect on the entire student population (except, of course, those of us who were intelligent enough to realise a BTEC was a better choice, along with scottish students who find out before us brits) and that a few size 12 letters on a sheet of paper can have such a profound effect on someone's future.
that's the way i look at it anyway.
i've told my mum, my dad, my friends and whoever else pretends to listen that if i don't get into my first choice university (Sheffield, of course) then i'm going travelling to thailand. realistically, i'll cry, moan, complain, and then end up going through clearing and moving elsewhere in the uk. i don't want to go anywhere else.
i'm pretty sure that somewhere, on a distant corner of the earth, is a statistic proving that 99.9% of students hate their insurance choice.
i'd love to back up my argument by saying that i don't like my insurance choice based on a bad experience there (read: 6 hours of delayed trains and torrential rain) even though it's still a good university. the problem is, it's not sheffield. it's like when you love shopping, and you're given a £50 american apparel voucher. then someone takes away your voucher and replaces it with a new look one. it's still good (unless you detest new look like me) but it's not quite as good as it should could have been.
(check me out experimenting with text effects there wahey)
either way, i have my alcohol at hand. i've already accepted i'm not going to sleep the night before, so i've got my kopparberg, my chocolate and my boxsets ready. i didn't sleep the night before AS results, despite the fact i was in turkey and (in my mind due to the time difference) i got my results two hours before everyone else, so the chance of me sleeping the night before A2 results is about as likely as me winning the lottery. hopefully somewhat more likely is my getting into sheffield.
as a self confessed control freak, the next 67 hours may potentially kill me.

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