Tuesday 24 June 2014


i love the current holographic trend going around everywhere at the moment. as someone who also enjoys 'rave' (excuse the cringy term) music, i think the holographic style is a great way to incorporate both music and fashion into one. it's also pretty versatile; depending on how it's styled, it can be worn to events, or to tesco - and who could say no to that?

i think the trick with this type of 'pattern' (can you class it as a pattern?) is to pair it with something plain. a good example of this is the t shirt shown; holographic sleeves with a plain white top. it's also the kind of top that doesn't require a necklace, or at least not a statement one.
i think it would be best paired with black skinny jeans and white air force trainers, or possibly dressed up with the sliders if you're more adventurous!

i'm trying to incorporate more of this kind of thing into my wardrobe so watch this space shortly after payday.

Thursday 19 June 2014

summer goals//

this post may be pretty overdue - my summer started on 11th june this year due to finishing my A2 exams early (or not early, considering the amount of stress i went through!)

hopefully, in about 2 and a bit months i'll be starting at University of Sheffield for my BA Journalism degree. exciting, right?

the only thing i'm worried about is not being prepared enough; there's so much i want to do in my life, some of which i can quite easily do after my degree (assuming i get in.. arghhh) and others that i want to start now (because i'm impatient and essentially have a long time this summer)

- lose weight. this alone is long overdue - i remember back after i finished gcses this was my plan then..oops. two years on and i'm near enough the same weight. slightly more toned but nonetheless the same weight. i am so determined to change this, if nothing else, before i start! i keep trying to motivate myself with things like 'you can buy -insert desired object here- when you've dropped -insert appropriate number- here' but it never lasts - said item enters the sale, i lose the will to live and consequently stay the same, just slightly poorer and with a new top, for example.

- start learning shorthand. one requirement for a professional journalist is to be able to short hand at 100 wpm which at the moment is looking impossible. i'm a fast (if semi illegible ) writer but the prospect of learning it in near enough a new language is kind of scary. i have three years to perfect my shorthand skills but there's nothing like starting early!

- i also want to maximise this summer, as i've realised this is the only summer in my life (possibly) where i have 4 months without anything to do. previously there's always been the idea of starting next year's work early, but i don't know for sure where i'm going to be, as of september, which is scary but also a positive, in that i can spend the time doing as i please.

- read more! i used to spend my life reading, before banning myself for the sake of revision (and longterm; my future). my aim now is to read a lot more books, more classics and widen my knowledge generally.

- go on holidays, go to festivals, go to parties, travel a lot. i feel like this is a few points merged into one. i'm already going to egypt and fuerteventura, so expect travel journalism fresh from the other sides of the world in a month or so's time! i'm hopefully going to both sundown and shakedown festival which should be amazing. i think if i have any spare days (and let's be realistic, i probably will) then i'm going to spontaneously hop on trains and take myself around the uk with the help of my student railcard.

Thursday 12 June 2014


i'm slowly getting my summer wardrobe together in the hope that by the time my holidays/uni arrive, i'll have a good stack of decent clothes.. one can hope!

i'm attempting to also rid my wardrobe of colour. i love the whole monochrome look at the moment, along with tropical prints (which don't often come in monochrome.. hmm)

i had to make an exception with the palm tree dress as i basically fell in love with it, along with the lilac and teal tropical shorts but i'm 110% sure they'll get their wear.

if i keep working as much as i am currently (i.e not much this week but loads next week) then i should build up the $dolla$ to fund my shopping habits. it's been weird having to restrain myself from online shopping recently due to no cash so i'm waiting on next payday (29th june i'm looking at you) as a sort of reward for all my 'ahem' hard work..

it's an endless cycle really; spend money, save money, get bored of the clothes i own, and repeat.

let's also all appreciate how creased my clothes look and pretend that i put time and effort into this post, rather than typing hurriedly before i lose motivation to go work out.


animals / martin garrix
higher ground / tnght
turn back time / sub focus
workout / andy c
tsunami / dvbbs & borgeous
ready for your love / gorgon city
smash tv / chase and status
mercy / kanye west
too late / major look
we like to party / showtek
all the wrong places / example
stronger / kanye west
no problem / chase and status


i'm not sure whether i can legitimately blame weight gain on exams. i'm pretty sure there's no statistical correlational evidence suggesting that my exam has caused 6lbs to magically appear on my body, but perhaps there is. the evidence is well, evident on my body anyhow. you know that kind of weight gain you can feel creeping up on you, but you choose to ignore?

i'll be honest and say i've managed to ostrichize this issue and put it to the back of my mind, away from biosocial gender explanations and 8+16 marks of evaluation. the problem is that now, the rest of the issues have floated away (along with potentially my future) so i'm having to face this.

it's not that i don't want to - i love exercise (once i'm back in a routine of doing it) and i have previously been waaaay lighter than i am now (both physically and mentally) so i'm kind of excited to  get back into a routine.

it's just the motivation of starting.

i used to be able to go to the gym and burn 1300 calories 4 times a week - sure, i would feel it massively afterwards and may or may not have been suffering from a slight eating disorder but nonetheless i was fit. and light(ish).

i think i'm gonna aim to use this blog to not only channel my creative expressions (and probably quite a few not so creative ones) but to motivate myself. as of today (12th june 2014) i have approximately 100 days before i start university of sheffield, as long as i get my grades. that's gotta be motivation enough, right?

Wednesday 11 June 2014

sleep music//

hey taro//

i think i'm slowly discovering my niche. it's hard deciding what you want to do with your life; i'm lucky in the sense that my general plan has been mapped out for years now (this is starting to sound far much too like a dodgy personal statement). 

i remember back in year eleven that i wanted to write, but within that was far harder to distinguish. a writer? no chance. i get distracted far too easily; my books would become self confessed fictional diaries (believe me, i've tried before) or plotless 'happy ever afters'. enjoyable to read, but essentially pointless, both in style and content.

of course, i was always aware there were many different careers within 'writing' as a key word. i could become one of those smooth talking salespeople convincing innocent victims to buy their products. i could become a technical writer (and nearly accidentally applied for a job to be one, oops) and resort to a condescending nature to fund my lifestyle.

or i could become a journalist.

i imagine the idea came to me like a lightbulb turning on, or perhaps a simpsons-esque epiphany. in reality i'm fairly certain it was a growing suggestion which evolved into the ideal career choice.

i'm not sure if it's due to my personality factors or just an innate ability to get people to tell me their problems. saying that, although i wouldn't mind being a broadcast/newspaper journalist it's certainly not my first choice.

this is where the idea of having a niche comes in.

funnily enough, i discovered this particular aspect through music. again, this is starting to sound ridiculously pretentious, and in one sense it truly is.

taro - alt-j; the discovery of my niche.

i've always been one of those people who actually listens to music - the lyrics, the beat, the rhythm. there's something so innocent about listening to the same song but recalling different parts separately, and then putting them back together like some elaborate jigsaw and 'seeing' the song in a whole new meaning.

"robert capa helped me find my niche." maybe i'll write that in my autobiography, if i do succeed in my career choice and go on to be famous.

i've written a lot of paragraphs and even more words and still haven't established that my niche consists of travel journalism with photojournalism. only those with a lot of 'cultural capital' as my media teacher jan would say, could possibly forage between the sentences to find what i'm actually trying to say.

i want to become a travel/photojournalist because it combines two things i love - i want to travel the world, i want to learn to speak greek and arabic and turkish and spanish, i want to move abroad and explore different cultures and try new foods. photojournalism is the best way of recording it. writing is easier when expressed with photos - war journalism only properly expressed the horrors of war with visual images; the human brain can only interpret a realistic portrait of events with retinal displays.



it is 12:09AM on thursday 12th june 2014. i have now been free of exams (read:college in general/studying/pseudo revision and probably the contents of my social life) for approximately 13 hours and 9 minutes. no doubt by the time i've finished writing this post it'll have increased slightly, or dramatically if i fall asleep/lose my motivation before i click 'publish'.

it's a weird feeling knowing i've finished. this is potentially the only time in my life where i have 4 months to sit around and do nothing. obviously, there's loads of things i can do - workout, see my friends, watch endless tv, but i'm not sure i can fit a whole lifetime's 'sitting around' into the space of 4 months. it's worth a shot though.

it's now 12:13AM and for possibly the first time in my life i'm struggling to write. it's ironic how pre-exams i made wild plans for tonight - before realising that it's not especially socially acceptable to go drinking on a wednesday night. within term time. on your own.
instead, i'm sitting in bed contemplating taking my makeup off, while listening to andy c at about 10 decibels and drinking fizzy peach water. #clubcanthandlemenow

as a first post i'm fully aware this isn't up to standard. i should be plotting my hopes and dreams, or explaining my favourite songs, or .. revising? (i still can't get it out of my head)

my mind should be filled with summer plans - hot foreign days punctuated with waves, long nights trooping round unknown places wishing i'd worn more comfortable shoes, evenings both remembered and forgotten. instead, i'm worrying about things like my explanation of the elaboration likelihood model, how to correctly define the term 'abstract' and whether social democratisation is truly the biggest contributing factor for language change in the modern world. don't do a levels, kids, they're not worth the stress.

radio one has just reminded me that i'm listening to andy c's essential mix and my phone has just reminded me that it's 12:23AM and this post is still unfinished in more than one way.

 i feel like i should be representing myself in a more positive way - highlighting my academic abilities of an a2 level english language student by appropriately adding commas and fullstops and not adding too many coordinating conjunctions and remembering to end my sentences with anything but a preposition.

'obligation' is realistically the reason why i'm still awake; i haven't had more than 6 hours sleep for the past two weeks, along with 4.5 hours of exams, 3.5 hours of work and about 100.5 hours of revision all within the past 48 hours. it's possible, i promise you.